Hooe England


Recently, safe storage of your Bitcoin Wallet seed words is a big issue and here, the metal seed plates help you to safely store your seed words for a long period of time as they are fireproof, waterproof and rustproof.

What is the need of taking backup of your seed words?

When you create a new wallet, it will generate a fresh recovery seed and instruct you to note it down on a paper which acts as the backup of your seed words. With these backups, users can download the same wallet software again to get their bitcoin back. However, you have to keep your backup safe in the same way as physical valuables because if it is discovered by an outsider, they may sometimes steal your crypto assets.
Storing the recovery seed safely is a tricky task. Here, you have to protect the seed from 2 risks – (1) Theft by strangers and (2) Loss or destruction by fire, flood etc. So, you should not depend on a single copy of the recovery seed.
Here comes the importance of having different types of back up. Mainly, we are using 2 types of backups for storing the recovery seed – (a) Primary Backup and (b) Secondary Backup.

  • In Primary backup we use paper wallet, hardware wallet and metal wallets for storing the crypto seed words.
  • In Secondary backup you can share your seed words with friends or family and your wallet will work only when all these words come together.

Why to choose Metal Plates?

As said earlier, it ensures the safe storage of keywords for a long period and they can be used both as primary storage and secondary storage devices.
As a primary storage, you can keep them with you and as a secondary backup, you can share them with your friends or family.

Different types of Metal Plates:

There are different types of metals like Stainless Steel, Brass, Titanium, Aluminium and Copper. Each of them has different melting points and their resistance to corrosion also differs and the selection of the metal plates entirely depends on you and you can choose the best one keeping in mind your exact requirement.

How are your keywords entered in Metal Plates?

You can punch or scribe or engrave your keywords in a metal plate using the different types of punching/ scribing/ engraving tools. In the market, the metal plates come in sets which include the punching tools and other related accessories.
Here, you can enter keywords either in alphabetical form or in numerical form based on your requirement.

Tools used for punching on Metal Plates:

You can use different types of tools like Stamps & Hammer, Scribing Pen, and Electric Engraver for punching the keywords.

Things to be checked before starting punching on Metal Plates:

  • Clean the surface with wipes in order to remove dust or any other substance
  • Always place the Metal Plates on a hard surface like Jeweller’s Block to avoid bending at the time of punching
  • Make sure that the metal plates are not moving while engraving or stamping the keywords
  • Practice punching on another metal plate before starting actual punching because for using these tools you need good practice

After ensuring all these things, we can start using these tools.

Stamps & Hammer – How to punch on Metal Plates?

a) Stamping Letters:

  • Count the letters of the seed phrase and select corresponding letter stamps
  • Apply a small amount of pressure on stamps and tap it with a hammer
  • Repeat the process until each word has finished

b) Stamping Numbers:

  • Count the numbers of the seed phrase and select corresponding number stamps
  • Apply a small amount of pressure on stamps and tap it with a hammer
  • Repeat the process until each number has finished

Scribing Pen – How to scribe on Metal Plates?

a) Scribing Letters:

  • Take the scribing pen and starts writing the keywords on to the metal plate
  • Repeat the process until each word has finished

b) Scribing Numbers:

  • Take the scribing pen and starts writing the the numbers corresponding to keywords on to the metal plate
  • Repeat the process until each number has finished

Electric Engraver – How to engrave on Metal Plates?

a) Engraving Letters:

  • Unscrew the engraving pen and insert batteries
  • Start engraving by pressing on/off button (you have to make it sure that the plate is not moving while engraving the plates)
  • Repeat the process until each word has finished

b) Engraving Numbers:

  • Unscrew the engraving pen and insert batteries
  • Start engraving by pressing on/off button (you have to make it sure that the plate is not moving while engraving the plates)
  • Repeat the process until each number has finished

The selection of the tools entirely depends on you and you can use Scribing Pen, Stamps & hammer, or Electric engraver for punching/ scribing/ engraving the seed words into your metal wallets as per your choice.

In all these cases, cleaning the metal plate is very important and it is suggested to use lemon wipes as it removes dust or any other substances from the plate for a better output.

Another important factor is the use of the Jewellers block. At the time of punching, always use a hard surface like Jewellers Block to get the best result. If you place it on an uneven surface, your metal plate will bend while punching. So you should be very cautious in this regard.

Before starting actual punching, it is advised to practice punching on another plate because it will help you to get an idea about the force to be applied on each stamp to get a better result.

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